Phonetic Fun!

On this page, you will find helpful phonetic hints and tips. Throughout the year, your child will be learning the basis French phonetics - the foundation of the language. These phonetic helpers (that will be posted on this page throughout the school year) will help you reinforce this foundation during home reading (and speaking!). Each week, your child will come home with a red duotang, containing the sound of the week, songs, activities, and so forth. This duotang will give you a better understanding of what is being covered in class, and will help you support your child at home.

February 12th, 2014
This week we are not learning a new sound, as it was the 100th day of school on Monday and we have been celebrating the number 100 in a variety of ways all week! Stay tuned for next week!

February 7th, 2014
This week we learned the sound [v].

January 31st, 2014
This week we worked on the sound [on]. This sound is a particularly common sound in the French language, so be sure to review the "costumes" with your little one!
Please see the following picture to help your student at home.

January 17th, 2014
This week we learned the son [in] (like the {ai} sound in the English word "again").
Here is the list of words we made in class, and four sentences our students came up with!

Here is the "comptine" of the week:
Click here to hear this poem:

January 9th, 2014
Happy New Year everyone! We are back in the swing of things here in grade one, and this week we focused on the sound [b] (buh buh buh).
Please see the below for photos of our class work. These should help students complete unfinished work in their folio rouge at home!

December 6th, 2013
This week we focused on the sound [é] which sounds like the long A sound in English (eh!?).
To listen, click here:

December 5th, 2013
Last week we worked on the sound [g] (like the G sound in the English word "gas").

From now on I will make an effort to post a picture of the list we made up in class. That way, at home, your child will be able to access the exact list they were using at school, in order to keep things familiar and comfortable! Stay tuned!

This week students came up with their own sentences using words with the sound [g]! We came up with three as a class, as always, and were allowed to use these examples if they weren't quite ready to write their own yet. But many of our classmates took risks in their learning and came up with amazing sentences!!!!

November 18th, 2013
My apologies for being a little behind in my postings, and in sending home the "folio rouge." I have been sick for the past two weeks and have had to prioritize my time.
Therefore, here are the sounds [t] & [o]. This week we are focusing on [d]... stay tuned!

click here to listen:

click here to listen:

This week children were encouraged to write down two words at a time.

November 1st, 2013
This week we did not focus on a new sound, as we were extremely busy with Halloween songs, poems, activities, and more! Stay tuned for next week as we learn the sound [t]!

October 25th, 2013
This week we worked on the sound [u] (ew ew ew). This is a tricky sound for students to learn, as it sounds very similar to [ou] (ooooo ooooo ooooo). Encourage your child to keep their eyes peeled for the [u] costumes while reading, writing, and reading!

October 18th, 2013

October 9th, 2013
This week we are focusing on the sound [f] (ffffff).

October 5th, 2013
Last Friday was the first time our students brought home their "folio rouges"- red duotangs. I hope you all enjoyed reviewing our Sound-of-the-Week work with your child! They were very excited to bring them home.
Last week we focused on the sound [m] (mmmm). Please see below for what we did in class together.

*again, my program that allows me to record my voice while showing you each picture continues to crash on me every time I begin recording... I am looking into an alternative program. Any suggestions are welcome at this point!!!! Thank you!

October 2nd, 2013
Sorry for being a wee bit behind in my posts here. Last week was absolutely insane, with Reorganization, Open House, and Adventure Day! A busy, but fun-filled week!
Last week we focused on the sound [i], and the week before we focused on [s]. Please find the "comptine" (poem) for each sound below, and a voice recording of me reading them in order to help you better understand that sounds focused on.

Le son [s]

Le son [i]

*** the last two pages do not have a voice recording right now because the program I use keeps crashing! GRRR! I will attempt again at a later time...

September 17th, 2013

AN AMAZING RESOURCE!!!!! Not all of our phonetic sounds are here, but quite a few are. There are games here that your child will LOVE, and they all consolidate what is learnt in class!

September 16th, 2013

Last week we started our first "sound of the week." The sound we learned was [a] - pronounced "ahhhh."
Normally, you would already have the "folio rouge" - red duotang - at home, to practice over the weekend and returned to school each Wednesday, but I did not send them home this past Friday as some students have yet to bring in their duotang.
When your child comes home this Friday with their "folio" please get them to review the sound [a] sheet they completed in class. They LOVE reciting the poem, along with the little actions that help them remember!

Le son [a]

To hear my voice, click here:

To hear my voice, click here:

To hear my voice, click here:

WOW! Have I ever hit the jackpot! I just found an AUDIO DICTIONARY - French to English translations!!!! Visit the link below for the best at-home support I could offer as far as pronunciation is concerned!

 September, 2013

Parents and guardians! Later on this fall, students will begin coming home with their "folio rouges" (red duotangs) every Friday, which will need to be returned every Wednesday. This will give me time to insert any relevant poems, songs, and of course, our Sound of the Weed work! A letter will come home closer to the time reminding you the above information, and how to use the "folio"!

As we begin our phonetic work, your child will be learning a new sound each week in order to give them a foundation on which they will begin to read! Each week, a worksheet will be found in your child's folio rouge focusing on that week's sound. On the sheet, you will find a "comptine" (poem) along with a list of words we can up with as a class that contains that week's sound in it. Please review these words, and if you can, come up with even more to add! Feel free to insert your own paper in the "folio" with new words that you came up with together.

Some of you may be confused by the bottom portion of the back of the "sound" page. This is where students record any "costumes" there may be. A "costume" is basically any letter or letters that are "diguised" in order to create that specific sound. For example, think of the sounds "s" (ssssssss like a snake!). There are various "costumes" (aka letters that together pronounce the sssssss sound), such as "t" "x" "c" "se" "sse" "ce" "sc" and so forth. See the poster below in order to better support your child at home. Refer to this poster in order to remind your child of the various "costumes" involved with each sound.

Here are a few examples of French sounds that your grade one will be learning over the course of this year. I have posted them now in order to give parents a chance to take a look and get a better idea of "costumes" (as mentioned above). As we begin learning our Sounds of the Week, I will be posting posters similar to this with a list of words we have come up with as a class! These ones are pre-made in order to help you all out in advance!

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