French Immersion FAQs

French Immersion FAQs

Q: How much French in spoken in class by the teacher?

A:  This is a great question, and the answer will vary from teacher to teacher. The ideal answer to this question would be “the teacher only speaks in French in the classroom,” but this is not always the case. It is my personal teaching philosophy that students need to feel safe and comfortable in their classroom in order to reach their full potential as learners. At the beginning of the year, (the first 2 or 3 weeks of school), I speak quite a bit of English to address things like classroom and school rules, expectations and routines to ensure my students feel safe in the classroom and familiar with me, their new teacher.
As the year progresses, the amount of English I speak in the classroom decreases dramatically as the students comprehend much more and feel more comfortable in the classroom. There are, however, times to ensure the safety of students so I will momentarily have to say a sentence or two in English.
Other teachers have differing views on this subject which reflect their own beliefs about teaching and learning.
Most subject areas (math, science, language arts, etc.) are taught in French but other subjests such as gym, library, computer lab, may be in English depending upon if the teachers covering those classes speak French.
Q: When will my child speak in French?
A: Your child will not, all of a sudden, one day come home from school and start speaking in full sentences in French. What you can expect is a more gradual progression of French oral expression skills. In September and October, as a class, we review basic and key vocabulary and phrases. During these months, you can expect your child to say French words alone (colours, numbers, school related vocabulary, etc.). November and December is when, as a teacher, I see the most progress in speaking French. Students will begin saying simple sentences in French. For example, “Je vois un cheval” (I see a horse) or “Voici un chien brun” (Here is a brown dog). By January, students are communicating with their peers using basic French vocabulary and sentence structures. By the end of the year, students can engage in simple conversations with the teacher or their peers about school-related activities and age-appropriate experiences in French. You cannot, at the end of Grade One, expect your child to be able to have a conversation in French about business with an adult. They have not acquired that level of vocabulary or sentence structure yet.
The amount of French spoken by a child will depend on a number of things that should be taken into consideration.  These things include:
How much previous exposure to French your child has had?
If your child attended French Immersion Kindergarten or a French preschool, then you can expect your child to speak French sooner than a student who has just begun learning French in Grade one.  Similarly, if you have been speaking French at home with your child already, then they will progress much faster than a child that has had no exposure to French. Don’t worry if Grade 1 is your child’s first time being exposed to the French language. They will do just fine!  Kids are amazingly good at learning new things!
Your child’s personality:
Confident and outgoing students tend to be those who aren’t afraid to take risks speaking in a new language. These students tend to be those who will speak French more quickly. Students who are more shy, quiet, and less confident will wait until they feel more confident with French before they come out and use it publicly. It doesn’t mean that they aren’t learning as much as the more outgoing child; they simply want to make sure that they feel more secure before they speak in front of others.
Parental pressure:
If your child feels lots of pressure from being put on the spot to translate words into French for you, you can imagine why they might be less prone to speak French freely in your presence. Parents mean well when they ask their children questions like “What is this in French?” or “How do you say that?” But how might you feel if someone was constantly asking you to translate words into a language that you are just learning? No doubt you might feel like a frustrated human dictionary! A more encouraging and positive approach is to say things such as: “How would I say this colour in French?” as if you were talking to yourself.  Wait a few moments and if your child hasn’t already interjected with the correct French colour continue on by saying:  “I’m going to go look on the Internet or in the dictionary …” That way, the interaction becomes a joint learning experience.
Q: Does my child receive instruction in English?
Your child will not receive any formal English language instruction until Grade 2 when the English Language Arts curriculum will be taught every day. 
Q: Will my child be taught how to read in English?
There is no formal English reading instruction until your child enters Grade 2; however, this does not mean that your child will not read in English until he/she is in Grade 2!  In grade 1 French Immersion, your child will be taught to read in French. The great thing is that all of the strategies and principles of reading transfer to other languages. Things such as reading left to right, understanding concepts of print, decoding skills, punctuation, prediction skills, and picture clues can be used when learning to read in another language. These skills will transfer from reading in French to reading in English. You will probably notice that soon after starting Grade 1, your child will start reading in English (if he/she isn’t already doing so). This is another great reason why you should be reading in English, in addition to French, at home. Find English books that are at an appropriate level for beginner readers. And remember, learning to read is hard work, so read for pleasure with your child as well!
Q: Do I have to teach my child English at home?
You may have never considered this, but you are always teaching your child at home. Every interaction you have with your child is an opportunity to teach them about things. This is happening when you have conversations with your child, when you ask them questions, when you read with them, when you go shopping or when visiting a relative/friend.
You are your child’s first and most important teacher.
If you have other questions about French Immersion, please feel free to post them in the comments section at the bottom of the page and I will do my best to answer them.
For more information regarding French Immersion in the Hamilton Wentworth District School Board, please see the following link:

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